ELE | NA Launches Oceanflow Therapy to Honour World Ocean Day : Experience Inner Journey Through Soothing Ocean Water

ELE I NA is thrilled to introduce OceanFlow therapy, a unique and awe-inspiring inner journey immersed in the embrace of ocean water.

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ELE I NA is thrilled to introduce OceanFlow therapy, a unique and awe-inspiring inner journey immersed in the embrace of ocean water. This World Ocean Day, we invite our guests to embark on a transformative experience that will nourish their mind, body, and soul. Available exclusively at OZEN RESERVE BOLIFUSHI and OZEN LIFE MAADHOO, this innovative therapy offers a beautiful and unparalleled opportunity to reconnect with oneself while being cradled by the gentle rhythms of the ocean.

OceanFlow therapy is a captivating fusion of various therapeutic modalities, including Watsu, Water Dance, Ayurveda, Shiatsu, Craniosacral, Manual Therapy, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, and Trigger Point Therapy. These carefully curated elements enhance the holistic Aquatic Bodywork, bringing forth refined techniques and unlocking its full therapeutic potential.

One of the remarkable benefits of OceanFlow therapy is the high magnesium content found in saltwater. As our guests immerse themselves in the ocean or simply bask in its proximity, their muscles and nerves are regulated, blood sugar levels are moderated, and sleep quality is improved. The result is a profound sense of rejuvenation, complemented by the soothing rhythm of the waves, which harmonize their circadian rhythm.

“Vitamin Sea” is not just a playful ocean pun; it highlights the essential role of saltwater as a nutrient for our body’s largest organ – our skin! Abundant in minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron, and potassium, saltwater boasts remarkable healing properties. It aids in reducing inflammation, safeguarding the skin, and promoting the healing of scrapes, cuts, and sores. Furthermore, saltwater enhances the flow of lymph fluid, potentially reducing the appearance of cellulite.

OceanFlow therapy is particularly effective in addressing a wide range of conditions, including stress symptoms, limited mobility, arthritis, rheumatism, back pain, chronic ailments, headaches, migraines, insomnia, post-operative rehabilitation, accidents, trauma, fear of water, and even during pregnancy. Each session, lasting for one hour, provides a dedicated space for healing and rejuvenation, followed by a further 45 minutes for quiet integration.

The therapeutic benefits of OceanFlow extend to pain management, sleep management, and stress management. By immersing themselves in this holistic approach, our guests can alleviate physical discomfort, improve their sleep patterns, and effectively manage stress levels. OceanFlow therapy facilitates a profound connection with our guests’ inner self while harnessing the therapeutic potential of saltwater and gentle manipulation.

To celebrate World Ocean Day, ELE I NA invites everyone to embrace the beauty of the ocean and experience the transformative journey of OceanFlow therapy. Discover the serenity within themselves, immerse in the healing powers of the ocean, and emerge replenished, revitalized, and harmonized with the rhythms of the sea.

For more information or to book a session, please visit www.ele-na.com or connect with us on [email protected]

About ELE I NA Spa

ELE I NA is an acronym for Elements of Nature, which refers to the five elemental forces of nature – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water, helps in healing as these energies flow all around and within every individual.

Offering bespoke wellness journeys under the “Wellness Your Way” program, itineraries are designed specifically for the guests’ individual needs, highlighting holistic treatments, alternative health therapies, and gourmet plant-based cuisine throughout the all-inclusive vacation.

At ELE I NA, guests embark on a holistic journey of wellness, healing, and relaxation, feeling rejuvenated and refreshed as a result of life-changing experiences, where local healing traditions are combined with international beauty and spa treatments to provide a one-of-a-kind experience.

About World Ocean Day

World Oceans Day was first introduced in 1992 to raise awareness of the crucial role the sea plays as sources of food, oxygen and medicine. It was officially recognised by the United Nations (UN) in 2008 and is observed on June 8 each year.  World Ocean Day is celebrated each year to highlight the importance of the ocean in our daily lives.


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